Reflection- preparing the team for SMART goals
Today I learned a really good way of preparing the team to set smart goals. We started talking about which goals we wanted to select for the term and followed this process:
1. Share your ideas with someone else and explain why you want these goals.
2. Write the reasons why you want each of these goals.
3. Make sure you have chosen one of either self or people smart, PLUS considered the core learning areas at school.
4. Draw arrows on your MI Goal Chart showing these goals and write name of the goal on the arrow.
5. Write a number of methods you could use in order to improve each of your goals throughout the term.
Because of this learning I now have a good way of preparing the team for SMART goal setting later.
The next step in my learning is to do a really good presentation about SMART goal setting so that everyone knows how to write great goals. I'd also like to find a way to make goals really obvious and put the timeframes for them up. I'm thinking a term planner might do this quite nicely.